Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Easy Isn't Always Nirvana

I am going to go out on a limb and say that most companies, outside of highly regulated industries, use a combination of shared network folders and individual user folders on the network to store and manage files like spreadsheets, Word files, scanned documents, reports and presentations.  The companies that have moved away from that approach may have adopted SharePoint, Google Documents or Box.  The beauty of all of these approaches to file management is that it is easy to create a filing structure and it is easy to add new files.  Users can copy, paste, add and cut their way to nirvana.  For a while, it is nirvana.  But at some point, it turns into a confusing mess.


If your company has a shared drive that is only sharing headaches, give us a call.  We have helped many companies get to a better place.,, (630) 279-0577 x122